We are so proud to announce the launch of “These Are Our Children,” a new campaign seeking a whole-of-community approach to highlight the crucial role accessible, high-quality childcare plays in thriving regional communities.

“These Are Our Children” shines a spotlight on how childcare is woven into the fabric of regional success, impacting three key areas:

  • Community Support: Childcare provides essential support for families, enabling parents to work and contribute to the local economy.
  • Early Learning Access: High-quality childcare ensures young children have access to vital early learning opportunities, fostering their development and future success.
  • Regional Economic Prosperity: A thriving childcare sector strengthens the local economy by creating jobs, supporting businesses, and attracting families and skilled workers.

Melissa Westcott, board member of the CLA, emphasises the importance of community involvement: “Over the last couple of years, we’ve built the foundations of the CLA. Now, we need everyone – large industry, small businesses, and the entire community – to come on board! Your support is crucial for us to continue making a difference in the lives of our little ones.”

The “These Are Our Children” initiative aims to:

  • Elevate awareness of the powerful impact of childcare on regional communities.
  • Promote stronger communities by supporting families and children.
  • Ensure well-prepared young minds through access to quality early learning.
  • Foster a strong local economy by empowering parents with the resources and support they need to re-enter the workforce.

The CLA invites individuals, businesses, and organisations to join the “These Are Our Children” initiative and make a difference in the lives of children and families in their community.

Here’s how you can help:

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If you would like more information about supporting the Childcare Leadership Alliance and the Isaac community with financial or housing support please reach out to discuss at cla@weareastute.com.au.