Sponsor an educator to attend sector conferences

Empower our educators, and empower our future! You can sponsor an educator to attend the C&K conference in July!
Every community needs early childhood and school-age care educators, whether you have children or not! If you love your morning coffee, like visiting the gym, want to be able to see a Doctor, have your car fixed, go out for a good meal, or buy some wine or beers, you rely on childcare, kindergartens and school-age care. So, help us, to help you by helping our educators!
We have so many committed and passionate educators working in Moranbah and Dysart, and they deserve to go to the C&K conference in July. It costs less than $4000 to send an educator to the conference – this covers their flights, accommodation, meals and entry into the conference. These sorts of opportunities help to attract and more importantly, to retain, the amazing educators working in the community – which means you can keep getting things fixed – your car, your teeth, and your caffeine!
If you can help in any way, please reach out to the CLA team at CLA@weareasute.com.au or fill out an online query here.