Childcare Leadership Alliance Annual Report 2023.
The Childcare Alliance is pleased to share our Annual Report for 2023 outlining it’s objective and activities, and highlighting it’s achievements and successes for 2023.
You can read the full report here.
National Early Years Strategy Submission 2023
The Australian Government is developing an Early Years Strategy to shape its vision for the future of Australia’s children and their families. Recognising how critical the early years are for children’s development and continued success over their lifetime, the Strategy will aim to deliver the best possible outcomes for Australian children.
The Childcare Leadership Alliance have contributed a submission to the EYS with our recommendations.
Maree Roberts Report
The Childcare Leadership Alliance (CLA) was founded in 2022 in response to a report commissioned by the Smart Transformation Project – identifying opportunities for strategic innovation within the communities of Moranbah and Dysart.