Professional Development2024-06-11T09:00:03+10:00

Professional Development

Access to local, tailored learning for Regional Educators.

The CLA is facilitating access to professional development resources and training opportunities to those working in the childcare sector in regional Australia. Both local in-person events and online.

Our goal is to foster professional, competent, passionate leaders in childcare by giving you the tools to promote positive workplace culture and access ongoing development opportunities. We want to equip you with key skills and knowledge to grow your confidence as an early years educator.

Our hope is to support educators to bring unique community aspects into their programs to truly partner with and support families and children.

Current professional development offerings:

Care to Lead: A leadership and professional networking program

The CLA, along with the generous support of The Local Buying Foundation and the Foundation for Rural and Regional Renewal, is providing educators in Moranbah and Dysart with the opportunity to participate in a bespoke leadership and professional networking program, Care to Lead.

This program has been developed in consultation with educators, and aims to provide opportunities for professional and personal growth, professional networking, and the development of a supportive and engaged community of early childhood and school age care professionals.

Sessions are delivered in a live, online setting every month. Participants are greatly encouraged to attend the live sessions as this gives them the opportunity to connect and collaborate with their colleagues and the facilitators. We do, however, understand the need for flexibility and we do provide recorded sessions after the live version so those who can’t attend live can catch up on the session at a time that suits them.


I have more questions – who can I send them to?2024-04-12T09:58:50+10:00
I want to register for the next session – where can I do that?2024-04-12T09:58:34+10:00

Email and let them know you wish to register for the next session of Care to Lead.

Do I have to do anything outside of the sessions?2024-04-12T09:58:21+10:00

We will be encouraging all participants to plan and implement a small project or piece of work in their service.  This will give you the chance to practise the skills and topics we are exploring, and to seek support and advice from the other participants about what you are trying and experiencing in real life. Essentially we want to support everyone to be able to put the theory and ideas we engage with, into practice.  However, we are all adults and this won’t be checked on – you will get out what you put into the program. 

What topics will you be covering?2024-04-12T09:58:00+10:00

We will cover a range of topics, including the difference between a leader and a manager, what it means to be a great leader, and communication.  We will also be seeking topic ideas and discussion points from attendees – this program aims to be a co-collaboration between us all.

What if I register and then can’t end up attending the live session?2024-04-12T09:57:45+10:00

No worries! Just let us know and then watch the recording that we will send to you.

Do I need to apply to attend?2024-04-12T09:57:29+10:00

No! You can just register and turn up!

Do I need to have attended previous sessions to attend Care to Lead now?2024-04-12T09:57:10+10:00

No, you can join us at any time! We do however strongly recommend you engage with the previous recordings to gain an understanding of what we have explored so far.

Opportunity to attend the C&K conference in Brisbane in July 2024

The C&K Conference is renowned for being a dynamic gathering of minds dedicated to shaping the future of early childhood education. Care to Lead participants will be offered the opportunity to attend the conference in Brisbane in July 2024. This is an all-expenses paid trip that will offer the chosen participant an inspiring and engaging experience, not only for them, but for their colleagues and peers back in Moranbah and Dysart. The chosen participant will return to the Care to Lead group to share their knowledge, insights and experiences.

How you can be the lucky educator

1. If you wish to throw your hat in the ring to attend, you need to:

  • Attend Care to Lead – if you haven’t attended so far, that is ok – you can engage with the online sessions that have already taken place and start attending the live sessions.

  • Be able to share with us what Care to Lead has provided you with so far.

  • Provide an outline of a project or piece of work you want to focus on in your service and identify how it relates to one of the key themes of the conference. (There is a link to these below).

  • Commit to sharing the insights and knowledge you gain from the conference with your colleagues and peers AND how it influenced your project. This will be presented to the Care to Lead attendees and this might be online or at an in person event.

2. The conference is on Saturday 20 July 2024 – you will fly to Brisbane on Friday 19 July, and fly home on Sunday 21 July.

3. You will be supported! When you return from the conference, you will be able to work with Kylie and Shelley to reflect on, synthesise, and apply your insights and knowledge to your chosen project. And then you will be supported to prepare your presentation to share your insights, knowledge, and project outcomes with the other Care to Lead participants.

4. There is an application process – applications will open 6 May and close 31 May. We will – announce the chosen educator on 8 June 2024.

5. We are working very hard to secure more funding to send more than one educator.

If you are interested, here is what you should do today:

Check you are available on the weekend of the conference (19-21 July 2024)

Sign up for the next Care to Lead session when it is announced

Engage with the previous sessions online – we are busy building an online program and will announce this very soon.

Look at the conference key themes and guiding questions and consider how these might relate to your project or key focus area. If you don’t yet have a project or key focus area, consider the theme questions and how they might relate to your QIP.

Start making notes in relation to the Application Questions.


If you have any questions, please reach out to Kylie or Shelley at

“Get Ready for Work” – an online program to support new and newly arrived educators

This online program is aimed at those who are new to the early childhood education and care sector, or those who are new to working in the sector in Australia.

The program explores different aspects of early years education and care in Australia through a series of short video modules. It covers topics such as regulations, career opportunities, understanding the National Quality Framework, and embracing play-based learning. It also looks into what it is like to live and work in a regional community.

This program is currently available to early childhood and school age care educators working in our pilot towns of Moranbah and Dysart. For access, please email

Previous professional development offerings:

Child Psychology expert, Dr Louise Porter presents Supporting Children’s Behaviour in partnership with the Childcare Alliance.

Supporting children’s behaviour: A full day with Dr Louise Porter

Supporting children’s behaviour: A full day with Dr Louise Porter

In September 2023 we brought the highly sought after expert, Dr Louise Porter, to Moranbah to spend a day with educators exploring how to support children’s behaviour. This experience was proudly offered by the Childcare Leadership Alliance at no cost to the educators of Moranbah and Dysart.

Supporting children’s behaviour through communication rich environments: An in person session

In May 2023, the Childcare Leadership Alliance brought one of the Astute Early Years Specialist team to Moranbah to deliver an evening session to educators at no cost that explored how we can support children’s behaviour through the creation of communication rich environments.

Educator self care: An online session

In March 2023 the Childcare Leadership Alliance asked Astute Early Years Specialists to deliver an online session for all educators on the topic of self care, recognising the considerable burden and pressure that educators in the sector do experience. This was recorded and is available on the Childcare Leadership Alliance Facebook page.

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“Positive experiences, relationships and environments in the early years (including the pre-birth period) support development and learning, and set children up for lifelong success in health, mental health, educational attainment, employment and relationships. Early learning services provide these critical relationships, experiences and environments.”

– CLA, National Early Years Strategy Submission 2023

Join our community of educators

Follow the Childcare Leadership Alliance on Facebook and Instagram for bite-sized resources and community discussion for Regional Educators.