Country communities like those in the Isaac region in central Queensland are bearing the brunt of the nation-wide childcare crisis, leading to families and children unable to access childcare due to insufficient services and significant staff shortages.
This means:
❗fewer parents are able to fully participate in the workforce as they need to look after young children; and
❗children are missing out on opportunities to participate in the high-quality early learning and care that prepares them for school and life.
We’ve been talking to early learning professionals living and working in Moranbah and Dysart as we formulate strategies to address the childcare challenge in these communities.
While it’s clear they ❤️love❤️ their communities, they’ve raised issues and challenges that can be barriers to more educators making the decision to work in country communities. Their voices are helping us to develop sustainable strategies to meet the childcare challenge.
📣We want to know your thoughts! What are some of the roadblocks you’ve experienced – or you’ve seen others experience – living and working in country communities? And what are some of the opportunities? Comment below or send us a message!
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